Electrical Conduit Symbols

Electrical conduits are ducts, tubes, channels, etc. that route and protect electrical wiring in buildings. They can be metal or plastic, flexible or rigid and can installed underground, inside structures or above surfaces.

Symbols of Electrical Conduits

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Exposed conduit symbol Exposed conduit   Conduit in slab symbol Conduit in slab
 symbol of Exposed conduit hidden behind structures Underground conduit or exposed conduit hidden behind structures   Underground conduit symbol Concealed conduit in floor or underground conduit, direct buried or in ductbank
 symbol of ductbank approximate dimensions shown on ductbank schedule Ductbank approximate dimensions shown on ductbank schedule   Conduit vertical change in direction symbol Conduit vertical change in direction
Channeling crossing vertically downwards symbol Channeling crossing vertically downwards   Channeling crossing vertically upwards symbol Channeling crossing vertically upwards
Channeling crossing vertically symbol Channeling crossing vertically   Channeling tray grid / Cable tray symbol Channeling tray grid / Cable tray
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Electrical Conduit / Channeling from lower level symbol Electrical Conduit
Channeling from lower level
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  Electrical Conduit / Channeling from supeior level symbol Electrical Conduit
Channeling from supeior level
Electrical Conduits / Channeling to lower level symbol Channeling to lower level   Channeling to higher level symbol Channeling to higher level
Wired input Wired input   Conduit seal symbol Conduit seal
T in conduit symbol T in conduit   Symbol of indicates break in conduit path Indicates break in conduit path
Symbols of electrical junction boxes
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