Basic Electrical and Electronic Symbols

Main electronic and electrical symbols that represent functions, components, devices and circuits in electronic and electrical schematic diagrams.They all belong to the most common and widely used standards in the world.

These basic electrical symbols are represented with their generic symbol. For specific representations, you can access their family in the related link in the "+ symbol" attached to the device name.

Basic analog and digital electrical and electronic symbols

Symbol Description Symbol Description

Symbols of pasive components

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Resistor symbol, IEC system Resistor
IEC system
+ symbols
  Resistor symbol, NEMA system Resistor
NEMA system
+ symbols
Inductor / Coil symbol Inductor / Coil
+ symbols
  Capacitor symbol Capacitor
+ symbols
Switch symbol Switch
+ symbols
  Circuit switch symbol Circuit switch
+ symbols
Pushbutton symbol Push-button switch
+ symbols
  Plug symbol, IEC system Plug - Contact male
IEC system
+ symbols
Fuse symbol Fuse
+ symbols
  Female plug symbol, IEC system Socket - Contact female
IEC system
+ symbols
Electric line symbol Electric line / Wire
+ symbols
  Plug symbol, NEMA system Plug - Contact male
NEMA system
+ symbols
Ground symbol Earth / Ground
+ symbols
  Female plug symbol, NEMA system Socket - Contact female
NEMA system
+ symbols

Symbols of active components

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Diode symbol Diode
+ symbols
  Diac symbol Diac
+ symbols
Thyristor symbol Thyristor
+ symbols
  Triac symbol Triac
+ symbols
IC / Chip symbol Integrated circuit / IC / Chip
+ symbols
  Amplifier symbol Amplifier
+ symbols
Electric generator Generator
+ symbols
  Battery symbol Battery
+ symbols
Transistor symbol Transistor
+ symbols
  Vacuum tube, diode symbol Vacuum tube / Electron tube
e.g. Diode
+ symbols

Symbols of Logic Gates (Digital electronic)

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AND gate symbol, ANSI system AND gate
ANSI system
+ symbols
  OR gate symbol, ANSI system OR gate
ANSI system
+ symbols
NAND gate symbol, ANSI system NAND gate
ANSI system
+ symbols
  NOR gate symbol, ANSI system NOR gate
ANSI system
+ symbols
Logic inverter symbol Logic inverter
+ symbols
  Symbol of display 7-segment LED Display 7-segment LED
+ symbols
AND gate symbol, British system AND gate
British system
+ symbols
  OR gate symbol, British system OR gate
British system
+ symbols
AND gate symbol, NEMA system AND gate
NEMA system
+ symbols
  OR gate symbol, NEMA system OR gate
NEMA system
+ symbols

Electrical test & control equipment symbols

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Ammeter symbol Ammeter
+ symbols
  Voltmeter symbol Voltmeter
+ symbols
Ohmmeter symbol Ohmmeter
+ symbols
  Frequency meter symbol Frequency meter
+ symbols
Wattmeter symbol Wattmeter
+ symbols
  Electric clock symbol Electric clock
+ symbols
Electrical counter / Integrator symbol Electrical counter / Integrator
The asterisk is replaced by the letter or symbol for the quantity count
+ symbols
  Recording instrument symbol Recording instrument
The asterisk is replaced by the letter or symbol of the magnitude recorded
+ symbols

Other basic electrical and electronic symbols

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Antenna / aerial symbol Antenna / Aerial
+ symbols
  Speaker symbol Speaker / Loudspeaker
+ symbols
Microphone symbol Microphone
+ symbols
  Lamp / Light Bulb symbol Lamp / Light Bulb
+ symbols
Direct current, DC symbol Direct current, DC
+ symbols
  Alternating current, AC symbol Alternating current, AC
+ symbols
Positive polarity symbol Positive polarity
+ symbols
  negative polarity symbol Negative polarity
+ symbols
Piezoelectric crystal symbol Oscillator / Crystal
+ symbols
  Relay symbols, (Coil and Switch) Relay
+ symbols
Electric transformer symbol Transformer
+ symbols
  Electric motor symbol Motor
+ symbols
Index of all Electrical and Electronic Symbols
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