Capacitor Symbols / Electrical Condensers

The Capacitors / Condensers, are electrical passive components that typically consist of two or more conductive surfaces separated by a dielectric air, paper, mica... which stores electrical energy, blocks the flow of direct current and allows the flow of alternating current to a degree that depends on its capacity and frequency.

Symbols of Capacitors / Electrical Condensers / Condensators

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Electrical condenser / Capacitor symboll Capacitor / Electrical condenser / Condensator
Not polarized capacitor
Generic symbol
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  Electrical condenser / Capacitor symbol Capacitor / Electrical condenser / Condensator
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Capacitor symbol Capacitor   Capacitor symbol Capacitor
Armor capacitor symbol Armor capacitor   Symbol of the capacitor with characterization of the outer layer Capacitor with characterization of the outer layer
Through capacitor Through capacitor   Capacitor with resistors in series symbol Capacitor with resistors in series
Symbol of the condenser with power connector Condenser with power connector   Supply capacitor symbol Supply capacitor
Bipolar electrolytic capacitor symbol Bipolar electrolytic capacitor      

Polarized Capacitor Symbols

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Polarized capacitor symbol Polarized capacitor
Electrolytic capacitor
e.g. Tantalum capacitor
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  Polarized capacitor symbol Polarized capacitor
Electrolytic capacitor
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Polarized capacitor symbol Polarized capacitor
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  Electrolytic capacitor symbol Electrolytic capacitor
Electrolytic capacitor symbol Electrolytic capacitor   Multiple electrolytic capacitor symbol Multiple electrolytic capacitor
Capacitor sensible to voltage symbol Capacitor sensible to voltage
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  Capacitor sensible to temperature symbol Capacitor sensible to temperature
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Variable & Adjustable Capacitor Symbols

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Variable capacitor symbol Variable capacitor
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  Variable capacitor symbol Variable capacitor
Preset / Trimmer capacitor symbol Preset / Trimmer capacitor
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  Capacitors variables grouped symbol Capacitors variables grouped
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Differential capacitor symbol Differential capacitor
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  Split stator / Divided stator capacitor symbol Divided stator capacitor
Split stator
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Butterfly capacitor / Dual variable capacitor symbol Dual variable capacitor
Butterfly capacitor
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