Inductor Symbols / Coils

The inductors or coils are electrical passive components that have a certain number of turns of wire that introduce magnetic inductance to an electrical circuit to produce a magnetic flux or to mechanically react to magnetic flux variations.

Symbols of Inductors / Coils / Chokes / Reactors / Inductances

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Inductor symbol, coil Inductor / Coil
Generic symbol
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  Inductor symbol, coil Inductor / Coil
Inductor / Coil symbol Inductor / Coil
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  Inductance symbol Inductance
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Inductor symbol with FeSi cored FeSi cored inductor   Fixed iron dust cored inductor symbol Fixed iron dust cored inductor
FeSi cored inductor symbol FeSi cored inductor
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  Ferroxcube cored inductor symbol Ferroxcube cored inductor
Ferrite cored inductor
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Symbol of the inductor with fixed connections Inductor with fixed connections   Inductor bifilar symbol Bifilar inductor / Bifilar coil
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Shielded inductor symbol Shielded inductor   Saturable core inductor symbol Saturable core inductor
Saturable reactor
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Symbol of the inductance with power points Inductance with power points   Nonlinear inductance symbol Nonlinear inductance
Polarity of inductor symbol Polarity of inductor
If not indicated, usually, the inductors don’t have polarity
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  Reactor or choke symbol Reactor or choke
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Variable & Adjustable Inductors Symbols

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Variable inductor symbol Variable inductor
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  Stepwise variable inductor symbol Stepwise variable inductor
Variable inductor with ferroxcube core symbol Variable inductor with ferroxcube core   Stepwise variable inductor symbol Stepwise variable inductor
Variable inductor with ferroxcube core symbol Variable inductor with ferroxcube core   Symbol of continuous variation inductor with FeSi core Continuous variation inductor with FeSi core
Adjustable inductor symbol Adjustable inductor   Adjustable inductor symbol Adjustable inductor
Variometer symbol Variometer
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Symbols of Devices with Coils

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Solenoid, choke inductor symbol Solenoid / Choke inductor
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  Electromagnetic deflection coil symbol Electromagnetic deflection coil
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Electromagnet symbol Electromagnet
Solenoid operated
  Delay line symbol Delay line
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Electromagnet symbol Electromagnet   Electric motor inductors symbol Electric motor inductors / Windings
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Goniometer symbol Goniometer   Ignition coil dual type symbol Ignition coil dual type
Ignition coil single type symbol Ignition coil single type      
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