Power Converter Symbols

Power converters are electrical or electronic devices meant to transform the characteristics of the voltage and the input current optimizing it at its output for specific uses. converters can be AC/AC, DC/DC, AC/DC rectifiers and DC/AC inverters.

Symbols of Power Converters / Electric Power Conversion

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Power converter symbol Power converter
Generic symbol
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  Converter AC / AC symbol Coverter AC / AC
Convertion of alternating current to alternating current
Generic symbol
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Converter DC / DC symbol Converter DC / DC
Convertion of direct current to direct current
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  Inverter symbol Inverter
DC to AC converter
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Rectifier symbol Rectifier
AC to DC converter
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  Rectifier inverter symbol Rectifier inverter
Bridge rectifier symbol Bridge rectifier
Full-wave rectifier
AC to DC converter
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  Rectifier inverter symbol Rectifier inverter
Electric current symbols
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