Antenna Polarization Symbols

The polarization of antenna, is the polarization of the wave radiated by said antenna in a given direction. The polarization of a wave is the geometric figure determined by the end of the vector that represents the electric field as a function of time, in a given position.

Symbols of Antenna Polarizations / Antenna Polarisations

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Plane polarization symbol Plane polarization / Linear polarization
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  Circular polarization symbol Circular polarization
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Direction of radiation fixed in azimuth symbol Direction of radiation fixed in azimuth   Direction of radiation fixed in elevation symbol Direction of radiation fixed in elevation
Direction of radiation fixed in azimuth and elevation symbol Direction of radiation fixed in azimuth and elevation   Direction finder or radio beacon symbol Direction finder or radio beacon
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Direction of radiation variable in azimuth symbol Direction of radiation variable in azimuth   Symbols of direction of radiation variable in elevation Direction of radiation variable in elevation

Antenna Radiation Patterns

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Directional radiation symbol Directional radiation   Bidirectional radiation symbol Bidirectional radiation
Symbol of Omni directional radiation Omni directional radiation      

Examples of Antenna Polarizations

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Direction finding antenna symbol Direction finding antenna
Radio goniometric or radio beacon
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  Symbol of directional antenna fixed in azimuth with horizontal polarization Directional antenna fixed in azimuth with horizontal polarization
Symbol of antenna with circular polarization Antenna with circular polarization   Antenna with direction of radiation variable in elevation symbol Antenna with direction of radiation variable in elevation
Antennas - Aerials
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