Cells & Batteries Symbols

The cells and batteries are devices (power sources) that convert chemical energy into electrical energy through a transient chemical process, after which their activity ceases. This energy is accessible through two terminals, called poles, electrodes or terminals. One of them is the positive pole and the other is the negative pole.

Symbols of Cells & Batteries

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Cell - Electric battery symbol Cell - Electric battery
Generic symbol
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  Battery pack symbol Battery pack
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Cell - Battery symbol Cell - Battery   Connected batteries symbol Connected batteries
Electric cell with adjustable voltage symbol Electric cell with adjustable voltage   Adjustable multi-battery in three steps symbol Adjustable multi-battery in three steps
Multi-adjustable battery symbol Multi-adjustable battery   Symbol of the battery with connection of mobile voltage Battery with connection of mobile voltage

Symbols on devices with batteries

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Symbol of pole, electrode or terminals positive of battery Pole, electrode or terminals positive of battery   Symbol of pole, electrode or terminals negative of battery Pole, electrode or terminals negative of battery
Overvoltage indication symbol Overvoltage indication
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  Indication of undervoltage symbol Indication of undervoltage
Battery representation symbol Battery representation   Battery representation symbol Battery representation
Charge level of the battery symbol Charge level of the battery
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  Battery charge indication symbol Battery charge indication
Battery failure symbol Battery failure   Overload indication symbol Overload indication of battery
Electric generator symbols
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