Force & Motion Symbols

Symbolic representation of shape and direction of effects, forces and motions in general.

Symbols of Forces & Motions

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Force or unidirectional linear symbol Force or unidirectional linear motion in the direction of the arrow   Force or bidirectional linear motion symbol Force or bidirectional linear motion
Symbol of the force or limited movement in both directions Force or limited movement in both directions   Symbol of the effect or action from a reference point Effect or action from a reference point
Action effect or to a reference point symbol Action or effect to a reference point   Effect or action in both directions from a reference point symbol Effect or action in both directions from a reference point
Effect or action in both directions to a reference symbol Effect or action in both directions to a reference point   Symbol of the no simultaneous effect or action from or to a point of reference No simultaneous effect or action from or to a point of reference
Symbol of the effect or simultaneous action up from a reference Simultaneous effect or action from a reference point   Unidirectional circular motion symbol Unidirectional circular motion
Bidirectional circular motion symbol Bidirectional circular motion   Limited bidirectional circular motion in both directions symbol Limited bidirectional circular motion in both directions
Symbol of oscillatory movement Oscillatory motion   Rotational movement around an axis symbol Rotational motions around an axis
Rotational movement around an axis, side view    symbol Rotational motions around an axis, side view      

Examples of use of these symbols in devices

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Energy meter symbol Energy meter, has energy in both directions   Direction of the strength of the movement of the rotation symbolTwo inputs and one output Direction of the strength of the movement of the rotation
Symbol of the device activated by pneumatic or hydraulic power Device activated by pneumatic or hydraulic power
Single action
  Power Line AC symbol Power Line AC
Flows direction symbols
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