Operational Unit Based Upon a Characteristic Quantity Symbols

Operational unit symbols, refer to the comparison between two or more values of a characteristic quantity, such as voltage, electric current, frequency, temperature, pressure, etc.

Symbols of Operational Unit Based Upon a Characteristic Quantity

Symbol Description Symbol Description
Higher than... symbol Higher than...   Lower than... symbol Lower than...
Higher or lower than... symbol Higher or lower than...   Equals... symbol Equals...
Symbol of equal to zero Equal to zero   Close to zero symbol Close to zero

Examples of Devices with Operating Dependency

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Overcurrent release symbol Overcurrent release   Defective voltaje actuated relay symbol Defective voltaje actuated relay
Low power relay symbol Low power relay   Blocked rotor relay symbol Blocked rotor relay
Symbol of relay of maximum and minimum current Relay of maximum and minimum current   Excess counter symbol Excess counter
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